Focused Attention

Have we been experiencing the breath or observing the breath? Have we been experiencing the mind or observing the mind? The answer is both. Both experience and observation collect data; yet, they can feel markedly different. As we experience, we register information with our perceptions in a subjective way. The data we receive as the observer feels … More Focused Attention

The Mind

What is the mind? One definition refers to the mind as “a set of cognitive faculties including consciousness, perception, thinking, judgement, language and memory. It is usually defined as the faculty of an entity’s thoughts and consciousness.” Another definition states that the mind is an “element of a person that enables them to be aware of … More The Mind

Asana as Presence

Proper asana is about free-flow. It’s not necessarily about uprightness… which may come to mind when we think about posture. Proper asana is about the absence of resistance, obstruction, and distortion. Proper asana allows for energy to move, insights to be received, and expression to be revealed. Proper asana taps into the soul. Happy meditating! … More Asana as Presence