Asana as Presence

Proper asana is about free-flow. It’s not necessarily about uprightness… which may come to mind when we think about posture. Proper asana is about the absence of resistance, obstruction, and distortion. Proper asana allows for energy to move, insights to be received, and expression to be revealed. Proper asana taps into the soul. Happy meditating! … More Asana as Presence

The Whole of You

What are the various parts that have come together to make the whole of you? Certainly these are not limited to your physical apparatus. A multitude of cooperative components support the fullness of your being. Proper physical asana allows the body to be comfortable for your time in meditation. Proper emotional asana generates equanimity. Proper mental … More The Whole of You

Finding The Center

Last week’s break, or interlude, signals that we are halfway through this round of meditations. Seven specific tools to work with in meditation lie behind us and seven new tools to work with in meditation lie ahead of us. And so, as we begin the 8th week of the Practice of Living Awareness, we find … More Finding The Center