Earth to Sky

The image of the lily pad and lotus flower is such a good depiction of the life path.  Just as the lily pad starts deep in the muck of the pond, sprouting a stem and unfolding into a glorious lotus flower, we start in the depths of the womb and work our way into the … More Earth to Sky


Nature, being a constant in our lives, is an amazing teacher if we stop to notice. Spring is in full expression in New England and everything is opening to it’s magnificent potential of beauty and fragrance. The leaves unfurl and the flowers shift from bud to blossom. We can take note and follow suit. In … More Bloom

Breathe and notice

Take a long slow deep breath, and a long slow exhale. Notice how your physiology responds with a relaxed sigh. Repeat and notice how this simple practice can bring you into the present moment. Notice the joy in a simple breath, the preciousness of life, the gift of now. Downloadable Podcast:  Breathe and Notice