Softening to the Moment

We must soften to another to build a meaningful relationship. Softening begets opening. Opening begets receiving. These three powerful choices put us in direct experience with new ideas, perspectives, and understandings. This is the stuff of relationship.  Sometimes relationships become rigid and unchanged. This works against the nature of life itself, which is constantly evolving … More Softening to the Moment

Softening to the World

Receptivity is the key to connection and growth. When two things come together and blend, they form something new. This presents new possibilities and the potential for expansion and evolution. As snow melts and the earth beneath it absorbs the water, activity begins; dormancy subsides. There is so much to notice within the flow from … More Softening to the World


Our human form masters receptivity from the moment of conception; it is consistently receptive to the flow of life force inside the womb. Nurturance continues throughout infancy: hunger is fed, thirst is quenched, cold is met with a blanket, cries are met with affection and love. We are interdependent beings and thus our capacity to … More Softening