Essential Exchange

By widening our circle of care and compassion, we are revealing and engaging the toroidal flow that connects us to every living thing; the flow that allows us to intermingle, co-create, intuit, empathize, sympathize, and harmonize.  As we choose to be led by the heart, to be led by the understanding that we are all … More Essential Exchange

The Shape of Life

The prior moment has shaped this new one. Our response to this moment will effect the shaping of the next. All of those moments together reveal the shape of our lives. Toroidal flow reminds us that the world “out there” began “in here” in more ways than meets the eye. As we become more conscious … More The Shape of Life

Ever-Present Flow

Flow, in the shape of a torus, is happening all around you… microcosmically and macrocosmically. It is the ever-present cyclical flow of energy that produces and sustains the atom, the earth, a chakra, a solar system, etc. As the day cycle begins, we are immersed in its flow. A particular meditation begins and we are … More Ever-Present Flow