11b. An infusion of transcendence

tree-roots 1Whatever spiritual or religious tradition or current exploration that one is living from, it is one’s foundation. And within all the world’s traditions is the teaching that a person is “born from” or “born of” that which is transcendent. In other words, our daily self has profound origins.

Step 11, Ground, takes this teaching one step further through the realization that every breath is an infusion of transcendent Presence. Every breath is an energetic wave of divine qualities and essence from the Higher Self or from a Divine Presence into the cells of our body, our emotions and thoughts, and our life.

A practitioner emailed me right after the “live” session online and shared this: “That was an enlightening meditation…brought me to gentle tears in the discovery that I could bring the light to my root center and beyond.”

Enjoy an infusion of Being.


Downloadable podcast: Infusion of Transcendence

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