From Caterpillars to Cacti

“Hello world. I’m here!” Yes, the world sees you. You are in it and of it. You are experiencing the world around you—responding to it, moving through it, and shaping it.

As for you, the human being, thoughts arise and are registered in your brain, yet “Mind” exists beyond it. Emotions are the result of chemicals released under the direction of your nervous system and they work in tandem with a wide variety of hormones, glands, and organs. Your physical body is remarkable, and it is constantly evolving by way of… well, mostly pure magic. It is endlessly adapting and changing in relation to both the interior world of your physiology, thoughts, and emotions, and the exterior world of people, places, and things. All of your intentions, expressions, and choices play out through this vessel, called “You,” on this stage called “Earth.” Containers abound.

Week 11 of the Practice of Living Awareness explores these containers or vessels or stages; all of which constitute your “Ground of Being.”

Life on Earth is a magnificent parade of expressive lives… from caterpillars to cacti, from gazelles to garnet, from fireflies to fungi, from peacocks to porpoises, from quarks to quartz. For the next several meditations, we will bring our luminous perceptions down to land in the space called “embodiment;” the embodiment made possible by the Ground of Being.

Happy meditating.

Ground of Being Meditation – Day 1

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