2c: Event horizon

buddha 1 copyMindfulness, tantra, shamanic earthiness, and the teachings of the Yoga Sutras come together in the Entry level, as well as the whole Practice of Living Awareness.

The interface that the tip of the nose represents is truly profound. As we complete the week of using it as both a technique and a tool for discovery we find that the tip of the nose:

  • is the reminder of focus and where one’s attention is, or even if one is paying attention.
  • is the point of relation between the vastness of all air from the world and the single breath being breathed any moment. Therefore, the tip of the nose indicates the implications and relation of all that is external to all that is internal, all that is objective to all that is subjective, all that is potential to all possibilities, as well as of transcendence to immanence.
  • and that the tip of the nose is, thus, a point of relativity: a reminder of frames of reference and context and that always there is a bigger context in which anything is held.

*Listen to the “take it off the cushion” and integration into one’s life instruction after the completion of the meditation.


Downloadable podcast: Event horizon

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